
Nov 17th , DEC 1st & Dec 8th | 9am - 5:30pm
Exam Date: Dec 15th, 2018 | 9am - 3pm

**Required books and fees not included in course pricing**


CPma® Auditor Certification Prep Course (21 CEU's)

Price: $695.00

Note: If purchasing course for someone other then yourself, please list the attendee's contact information (Name, phone #, email) in the "Attendee Information" field in your shopping cart.

Sign up for the course and get a special student discount on required books!

Call Medco for details: (718) 217-3802

Course Description: Attendees will learn the principles of medical auditing, including Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIA), chart abstraction, understanding Centers for Medicare and Medicaid regulations, and utilizing nationally recognized source documents. This course is recommended for anyone preparing for a career in medical auditing, compliance officers, insurance carriers and is strongly recommended for anyone who is preparing for the AAPC CPMA® certification examination. Practice examinations will be given for each course day along with practice homework questions.


  • Define fraud and abuse and explain regulatory guidelines for key regulations
  • Explain the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Workplan and Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs)
  • Review the elements of the OIG Compliance Plan and identify and discuss potential risk areas
  • Review, discuss and explain how to use the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits and Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs)
  • Explain the function of Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) and how to prepare for potential RAC audits
  • Explain the HIPAA privacy rule, including details on protected health information, minimum necessity, sharing of information and enforcement.
  • Identify the standards for medical record documentation, including CMS regulations regarding electronic health records and medical record retention standards
  • Identify common documentation errors for, Evaluation & Management E/M services, anesthesia, surgery, radiology, pathology, laboratory and medicine services
  • Identify and explain the various type of audits and the resources required for audits
  • Review and explain the step by step audit process and resources required for the various types of audits
  • Identify statistical sampling types and factors
  • Explain aggregate analysis and when it should be utilized
  • Explain the importance and benefits of discussing and reviewing the audit results with the provider
  • Provide practical application of auditing operative reports and evaluation and management services

Auditing Training Course Syllabus:

Minimum of two (2) years coding experience and coding certification is strongly recommended. AAPC Membership, Exam Fee and Coding Books are additional.

Approved Manuals:
CPT® Books (AMA standard or professional edition ONLY). Your choice of ICD-10-CM. Your choice of HCPCS Level II. The CMS 1995 and 1997 Evaluation and Management Documentation Guidelines. E/M Audit Worksheet of your choice.

Dates, Times and Hours:
Saturdays, 9am-5:30pm 11/17, 12/1, 12/8 Inclusive of a thirty (30) minute lunch break and two fifteen (15) minute breaks.

Test Date: 12/15

Training Site: 
Queens, NY 11365
(Address provided at time of registration)

Certification Certificate:
Issued by the AAPC upon passing the CPMA® Examination

Refunds Cancellations and Transfers:
Transfer requests must be made in writing, and faxed, emailed or postmarked no less than 30 days prior to course start date. Full refunds are made only in the event of a course cancellation by “Medco”.
*No refunds  (*Certain fees apply to all transfers). *Details of Course/Workshop Description have been read by applicant and are understood.