
The Clock is Ticking for Quality Payment Program (QPP) Data Submission

The clock is ticking for qpp submission.jpg

By:Jacqueline Thelian, CPC, CPC-I, CHCA

It’s that time again. The QPP data submission site is open now until April 2, 2019, 8pm.

If you are part of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) or Alternative Payment Model (APM) who will submit quality measures on your behalf remember you are most likely  responsible to report your Promoting Interoperability.  It is advised to check with you ACO/APM, many of which encourage the providers/group to report this on their own.

For an eligible clinicians or groups reporting on their own or to report their Promoting Interoperability, go to the QPP Data Submission System https://qpp.cms.gov/login and you can login using either your Enterprise Identity Management (EIDM) credentials or the new HCQIS Authorization Roles and Profile (HARP).

It is recommended you sign in during the submission period which will allow you to review the entered data before the final submission.

If you are an EC reporting via administrative claims, your reporting was included in all your claims.
